Analyze every swing like the pros with the LiveView Pro hands-free camera

Best in Golf

Golf instructors have relied on video and full-length mirrors to teach the full swing for decades. LiveView Pro is a more sophisticated answer. This 2.5-ounce video camera combines the best attributes of both, so you can make immediate connections between what you feel and see. And, with a video-drawing tool, you and your coach can highlight specific positions with circles, lines and the like.

The LiveView Pro works indoors or outdoors but should be out of direct sunlight for optimal results. To operate, position the camera “face on” or “down the line.” Next, lay a mobile phone or, preferably, tablet device on the ground in front of you. While making a swing, you can see what’s happening in real time (camera shoots 60 frames per second). You can check ball position, shoulder turn and sway on the backswing, even recording swings for future reference.

Really want high tech? The LiveView Augmented Reality headset ($389) lets you view your swing in real-time in the corner of the eyepiece.
LiveView Pro $349

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