George Gankas golf theory assists golfers from around the world through the GG Swing Method.
While many players recognize GG’s contributions to developing well composed golf swings that delver expanded depth and accuracy, George Ganaks golf lessons also provide insight into calculated short game strategies that lead to reduced handicaps in golfers of all skill sets.
Developing a strong pitch shot requires that golfers optimize several elements of their short game golf strategies in order to make the most of their shot.
This begins with choosing the correct golf club for the shot.
A pitching wedge can be best utilized to achieve the perfect pitch shot in situations where the golfer has an expanded amount of green available for play.
When pitching shots under golf course circumstances that require an increased amount of roll after impact, gap wedges are the most efficient golf club to obtain the ideal pitch shot.
Larger course obstacles can dictate that a lob or sand wedge be used in order to deliver the desired results otherwise unattainable with a pitching wedge or gap wedge.
When deciding which golf club to use during our pitch shots, golfers must ask themselves how deep the golf ball needs to travel in order to reach then green and how to best ensure that the golf ball lands as close to the hole as possible.
Setting up the ideal pitch shots requires consistency above all else, as golfers that address the golf ball slightly more forward than normal have found.
Our desired flight path can be easily achieved by simply maintaining a high level of consistent motion in our pitching setup.
Keeping all of our motion in an open swing position allows the clubface to be pointing just right of our desired target, with our shoulders, hips, and feet aligned left of the target as a result.
As our body opens up in our swing, our clubhead also opens itself upon impact with the golf ball, providing the correct level of loft needed to secure ample flight path to pitch the golf ball onto the green.
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