WHAT’S IN MY GOLF BAG – YT GOLF DAY EDITION See what golf clubs Rick Shiels will use in the YT Golf day 2019! For more information about the Garmin G80 click here https://buy.garmin.com/en-GB/GB/p/597253 To spectate on the day click here⬇ https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/yt-golf-day-2019-supporting-prostate-cancer-uk-tickets-59286254784 To donate click here⬇ https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/ytgolfday The confirmed players! 1. *Dan Markham* – https://www.youtube.com/user/lincolnmarkham
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NEVER TOP THE BALL AGAIN SUBSCRIBE to Rick Shiels Golf PGA for more golf gear reviews, what’s in the bag videos, course vlogs, lessons, head to head’s, and more! http://bit.ly/SubRickShielsGolf To see how you can train privately with Rick Shiels in Manchester, take a look at his website here: http://bit.ly/RickShielsPGA COMMENT below to ask Rick
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